How To Tell If You Have Termites Before They Get Out Of Control

Termites can be a huge pest to your home or office because they are very difficult to find and get rid of. Termites start out with only a small number, but if you don’t take care of them quickly enough then they will keep reproducing until there is an entire colony in your space. Termites have some telltale signs that you should be looking for so that you know when the problem has reached this point. If you notice any of these signs, call an exterminator immediately!

Cracked Or Bubbled Paint

How To Tell If You Have Termites Before They Get Out Of Control 1

Termites will work to make a passage for food into your house by chewing through wood. Termites can do this in the walls, ceiling, or even floorboards of your home and when they come up against paint that has been applied over them then there is an increased chance that it’s going to bubble or crack.

If you notice cracked or bubbled paint on your walls then this is a sign that termites are present and you should have someone come out to inspect the property for these pests.

Tap On The Wood

If part of your furniture seems loosely attached or makes noise whenever you touch it then there may be termites present and you should inspect these areas for any signs more carefully. Termite activity often leaves small holes in places where wood comes together so if there are small gaps between boards this could also indicate problems with these bugs as well.

First Termites Make A Tunnel

Termites will usually make a tunnel to find their way into the wood of your home and when they do this it can be very difficult to detect. Termite  tunnels are small holes that you may not notice unless you were specifically looking at them. Termite tunnels are sometimes easy to identify if there is always sawdust around the opening or more commonly, termite exit points have been found in other parts of your home.

Tracks In The Wood

Termites leave small tracks in the wood and if you notice any then this is a sign that they have been there. You may be able to see these track marks when looking at your furniture or even find them under the baseboards by doing some inspection work.


Why do termites eat wood?

Termites eat wood because they can digest cellulose. Termites have evolved a stomach full of symbiotic protists that produce the necessary enzymes to break down cellulose material, so termites are able to break down something very difficult for humans and other animals.

How are termites harmful to the home?

Termites are harmful to the home because they eat wood, eventually causing structural damage.

Their destructive force is not limited to structural building elements, as they will also consume lower quality foods such as wallpaper, metal roofing, and support beams outside; a house can be weakened by termites before it collapses!

If they’re in my walls, can I treat them myself or should I call an exterminator (and what should I say)?

You should call an exterminator.

A lot of people try to deal with them themselves (or just ignore it) but the truth is that it would be worth your while spending the 200 bucks for a professional extermination service if you have termites in the walls. The “organic” approach means that you will need to use boric acid and other natural remedies, which are pretty ineffective because termites are good at finding a way around those things and using any holes or vulnerabilities they can find in your house to get inside again. They’re not easy insects to manage on your own.

If it turns out there’s no evidence of termites, so far, do you have any advice for me for future prevention?

When it comes to termites, prevention is key! The most important thing you can do is be sure that your house has a continuous barrier for chewing insects as well as an adequate water barrier.
Eliminate the things attracting the insects, keep them out with good sealing practices and pay attention when pipes are leaking or covered by insulation. In case of infestation, call a pest control professional right away. With regular maintenance, you won’t take any chance on getting termites again.”


The best way to protect your home from devastating structural damage is to have your home inspected by a licensed termite professional every year. One of the signs that you may be dealing with an infestation could be wood-related damages like cracks in walls, floors, or doors. If this sounds familiar and you want help getting rid of these pests for good, please contact professional today!

We hope you found our blog informative and helpful in understanding more about how dangerous termites are as well as what steps need to be taken if they show up at your house.

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