About Us

TrapPedia is a website with lots of media about pest control, products, reviews, tips, and tricks by Tanya Latty, Maddy Rigby and Kavita Harmon.
“I am a professor of entomology and ecology at the University of California Riverside who has been writing about insects since 2007. I write for newspapers, magazines, blogs, and websites on topics like termites in your walls or spiders in your bed.” – says Tanya.

Trappedia is our latest project which we started because it seemed there was no place online to find reliable information about pests – just misinformation. Now you can find everything you need to know here: how they get into your house; what attracts them; how to identify them; where they hide (and what to do when you find one!).

We offer tips on how you can keep these insects away from your home and what products you should use if there are any infestations already present. With our reviews of various insecticides, we give homeowners an idea of which product might be most effective for them based on their

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About Us 2

I am a professor in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Sydney. I am broadly interested in entomology and ecology, with particular emphasis on social invertebrates, pollinating insects, and slime moulds.
My research has been published in journals such as Science, Current Biology, Behavioral Ecology, and Insectes Sociaux.Tanya Latty

Hi! I’m Maddy Rigby and I am a Senior Lecturer in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Sydney.
I have experience teaching undergraduate students about microbiology, food safety, and other related topics. My research interests are behavioural ecology, ecological applications not elsewhere classified, entomology (insects), conservation biology, and environmental toxicology.
I obtained my PhD in Insect Ecology from the University of Calgary in Canada with a focus on insect behavior.Maddy Rigby
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